The Occasional Woman — It’s Fall! Stay Colorful
Dear Readers, I bet you have noticed that a change in the weather, which is bound to be extreme, has occurred. It is with sadness that we put away cut-offs, bathing suits, beach towels and flirty little dresses. Persephone has gone back for her six months in Hades, and we are now in the throes of Autumn. As far as I am concerned, Fall is just “Winter Light” — for me there are two seasons, Summer and Not Summer.
A stroll through area department stores and eBay tells us that we must now forsake color, and dwell in the realm of black, brown and olive green, with the occasional snap of burgundy or purple.
I say HELL NO! And it turns out that many other fashion folk are saying the same — no need to forsake turquoise, pink, scarlet, green and other happy hues! Most of them would like these lovely colors to be used primarily as accents, and I’m sure that will look swell. But always remember — NOBODY needs to slavishly follow fashion orders!
If you feel too shy to fly in the face of tradition, you could have a nifty dark coat, say, black or brown, and liven it up with a bright jaunty scarf, a natty “statement” necklace. Or wacky tights. Maybe a dark skirt and hosiery paired with a sssssmokin’ hot red cashmere sweater!
If one walks down an East Coast sidewalk in winter, it can be a seriously depressing experience — why not spruce up the atmosphere with emerald green, or a deep yet electric teal or cobalt blue! Or a hint of shiny stuff — a gold sequined accent can keep us all away from doubling our anti-depressants!
Enjoy this stupid-ass season, and keep it bright and stylish.
Category: Style, Transgender Fashion