The Monday Lineup
Good day to you gentle readers. Today is Monday and that means we provide a fresh, new TGForum Monday Edition for your perusal. We begin with the compilation of transgender news from across the globe and down your street that we like to call TWIT (standing for The Week In Transgenderism) that is compiled by our excellent News Editor, Ronnie Rho. Miss Rho has worked for days to wring every last drop of TG news from the complex cyberscape of the World Wide Web and she presents it all with wit and style. If you want all the TG news there is, don’t miss your TWIT.
Dina Amberle joins us this week with her Dina’s Diner blog. There’s always room in the diner for another reader to drop by for a cup of coffee, some cherry pie and a long chat with your hostess, waitress and short order cook, Miss Amberle. This week Dina is talking about extremely large breasts, high heel shoes, sorority girls and more. Always fun commentary and opinions about things in our world. Don’t miss Dina’s Diner.
Lexy Tranner — Weekend CD is the brainchild of Miss Kyra Kelly, a talented lady from Canada who provides another view of the crossdressing lifestyle using Lexy as her vehicle. Always fun to read, Lexy Tranner will often have you saying to yourself, “Hey! I did that once.” Don’t miss Lexy Tranner — Weekend CD.
Keep up with the services we provide on TGF! If you look at your menu bar across the top of the page you’ll see Services. Pull it down and you’ll find a host of items like the Event Calendar (submit events in your area!); the Shopping Mall; the TGF Library (with all the TGF articles and columns since the beginning); the TGF Art Archives featuring famous TGs, cartoons, and more; User Photo Galleries where you can view thumbnails and slideshows of TGF reader photos (you submit the photos and put them in the gallery you like with the Edit Your Account page); plus there’s Personals, Profiles and links to member’s Personal Sites. And over to the right side of the menu bar you’ll find the Chat Room and the Bulletin Board. Both fine ways to communicate with your fellow readers. Enjoy!
And — don’t forget to visit our sponsors websites and check out their wares!
Category: TG Forum News