It’s Summer out there! I’m not ready!

| Jun 13, 2011
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I don’t know about you but summer has rushed in at high speed and I haven’t had time to do the necessary skin prep and waxing that bare legs and arms require. Crossdressing in the cooler months is no big deal but exposing more skin means more time spent getting ready to show off that skin. A light tan, a leg wax and I’m ready for tank tops and short shorts. But I thought I’d have a few more weeks, or days at least, to rub on the tanning cream and make that waxing appointment. Alas, I’m stuck in the heat and humidity of the Philadelphia area with the whitest legs you ever saw, which just highlights the stubble lurking under the surface, getting ready to poke out. So, I am thrilled after reading in Dina’s Diner that nude pantyhose are making a comeback. Those hose can save my look until I do manage to get my legs in shape for bare skin later in the summer heat.

Nude hose!

Dina’s Diner by Miss Dina Amberle is just one of our features today. Dina not only discusses the resurgence of nude hose in fashion but touches on the trend in parenting that says it’s okay to let the child chose their gender. (What if the kid wants more than one?) She appreciates Lady Gaga’s fashion sense and so much more. Don’t miss Dina’s Diner today.

The Week In Transgenderism is with us, as always. We’ve dug out all the TG stories on the Web and put them in an easy to read, entertaining format. It’s all there, from the Nigerian teen who made more money begging as a woman to the TG prom queen’s media blitz, a TG reality show casting in Chicago, Susan Stryker named director of LGBT studies in Arizona, Princess Boys are popping up all over, and a whole lot more. For all the TG news that’s fit to print don’t miss your TWIT!

Lexy Tranner — Weekend CD, the classy creation of Miss Kyra Kelly is with us today and once again she is giving voice to our innermost desires. Or something suitably dramatic like that. Really she’s just here to make you smile. For your Monday morning chuckle don’t pass up Lexy Tranner — Weekend CD.

There’s even more in this edition so check it all out. And don’t forget to explore the social networking options of TGFriends. Click the link and go set up your TGFriends profile. The link is in the black links bar at the top of the page.


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Category: All TGForum Posts


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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