Do You Dream in Trousers?

| Oct 27, 2014
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It’s a verifiable fact that — in the UK at any rate — crossdressers who wear trousers when “dressed” are frowned upon (with varying degrees of severity) by their crossdressing peers.  The whole point of crossdressing, the wisdom states, is to wear skirts and dresses — items of clothing which aren’t traditionally associated with men.  One may view this as an attempt to “make the most” of the precious time that many crossdressers get to indulge their pleasure, and it shouldn’t be “wasted” wearing bifurcated leg wear — even items that are cut for a woman.  I realise that that the wearing of women’s clothes in this ritualistic way is a practice peculiar to crossdressers, and that male-to-female transsexuals have a different agenda … so this is a question specifically for the crossdressing members on this forum.

What do you wear in your dreams?

When I was young, I used to have vivid dreams about wearing girl’s clothes, and about getting caught; I guess that was a sign of the repressive atmosphere in which I grew up.  This theme continued throughout my teens, 20s, 30s, and early 40s, by which time I’d come out of the closet, gone through my wig-wearing phase, and started to feel comfortable as a “man in a dress.”

Throughout the rest of my 40s, despite consistently wearing dresses and skirts during my waking hours, I nevertheless had dreams in which I always wore trousers.  My dream-self didn’t feel ashamed about this betrayal, although I’m quite certain that my waking self would have felt highly embarrassed at accidently pulling on a pair of trousers!  Then around my half-century, I noticed that my dream-self was starting to feel self-conscious about his dream-wear, and I’d often wake up clearly remembering having changed into a dress or a skirt as a result.  (Such changes in presentation occurred more like an instantaneous re-writing of a storyline than as a physical disrobement.)  However, in the past year or so (I’ve just turned 56), I’ve started having dreams in which — as in real-life — I only wear dresses and skirts.

I guess it’s not surprising that this has happened … after all, dreams are thought to be connected with the processing and storage of real-life events.  What IS surprising, therefore, is that it’s taken fifteen years for the wardrobe of my dream-world to catch up with the wardrobe of my real world.  I’m curious to know whether this is a common phenomenon.

So what about you?  As a crossdresser, do you dream in trousers, in dresses, or both?  If you’re in the closet, do you think your dream-wear reflects your fears, or your desires?  And if you’re “out” to some extent, does your dream-wear reflect what you wear in your daily life?

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Category: Transgender Body & Soul


About the Author ()

Graham is an Englishman who proudly wears women's clothing with no attempt to pass as a female. His hobbies include winemaking, music and leading on telephone scammers making them think they can get his personal information, then telling them to sod off.

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