Trick or Treat Tranny

| Oct 19, 2015
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The Artist D, October 2015

The Artist D, October 2015

Ding dong! Whoever could it be on my doorstep? It’s four hairy men dressed as Princess Leia. Halloween, the only time men get to truly experience their secretly hidden feminine side. For one day out of the year they can suffer no public scrutiny or consequence by wearing a dress. Oh yes, the 21st Century where people can still suffer a public tar and feathering over choice of fabric. We’ve come so far!

Men have been hiding their feminine side throughout our history and it  should really be starting to tick you off. It should tick you off because they’re secretly ruining your life. It’s more than the cliché of women wearing pants and men not wearing dresses. It delves deeply into the psyche, surges passed sexual preference, and shoots a hole through all that is transgender.

Halloween for the common folk has become a glaring example of their need to climb out of the box, but their fear to do so only once per year. It’s about men who are not transgender but have a desire to experience their feminine qualities. It’s about women who are prim and proper wanting to be the dirty cheerleading slut they always secretly admired. A time for people to be the ghouls or gods that they feel on the inside. Halloween for the common folk shows me how trapped people really are by society’s faux standards.

We all have many sides to ourselves no matter what your chosen label is. As a Dominatrix with a door into the world of BDSM I have had the privilege of seeing the multiplex of humanity. It is that world people from the straight and narrow walks of life enter to experiment with themselves. It’s one of the remaining safe havens left for personal exploration. It’s the place where no one feels held back by society. In my world you can be whatever you want to be. By day an executive in your tidy suit and by night a human coffee table or ashtray. And there’s nothing wrong with any of it!

The world would be a better place if we could all admit that we are multifaceted creatures. Not just this or that, but a little bit of everything. We so proudly display the ability to multi-task and be all that we can be. At the same time we shun the thought that our genders, personalities, and public displays could also be many within one being. This admission starting with normal straight men would set the world free.

We need more men in dresses. We need Halloween on a daily basis. Because straight men in dresses would make it all better for everyone else. If mean, old, hairy, straight men hoisted on a frock every now and then all other labels in society would be wide open with possibility. The lesbians would be cool. The transgender people would be perfectly normal. The drag queens would still be drag queens. It’s all about the patriarchy after all. When they change, everyone is allowed to change around them. If you can’t beat them, join them and convince them to wear evening gowns to the next Republican Convention.

What a fascinating world we live in where a piece of specifically sown fabric can cause an uproar, destroy lives, crucify teenagers on cold barbwire fences. Fabric and what men choose to do with it has everything to do with everything else.

  • Yum

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Category: Transgender Body & Soul, Transgender Opinion

The Artist D

About the Author ()

The Artist D is a true raconteur and provocateur! He has been performing online since the mid 1990s. A relic from the cam show age before MySpace was any space. Author of In Bed with Myself, an autobiographical tale of transgenderism and Internet celebrity. Executive Editor of Fourculture Magazine and host of the Kawfeehaus podcast.

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