I have been presenting as a woman for years. Pass don\\\'t pass don\\\'t care, well I care and work on my presentation and mannerism and try not to worry about that others {mis]perceive me and try to make the interaction positive and enlightening because most people just don\\\'t know or have had experience with girls like us. I am fortunate to have great pass the shoulder, mid back really, hair, good complexion, but at 6\\\' 210 with big feet attitude is everything that single best feature to confront overcome and enjoy life and our passions of which cross dressing is one. Most of the time I wear minimal makeup, foundation garments w/breast forms and blend in appearance and how I present myself. Have been out and about all across the Country and parts of Canada Been X Dressing for years. Still often, most days get the yes ma\\\'am and doors open even w/o make-up and DAB even by a cop for a traffic stop who let me off without a ticket. Happiness doesn\\\'t depend on what you have or who you are; it solely relies on what you think.