Reply To: Transgender Transition


Ladies, what is your definition of “feminine”?

I think there’s more to femininity than long hair, long polished nails, makeup, jewelry, shaving legs and armpits, or wearing skirts, hose, and heels. Feminine is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles commonly associated with women. The extent to which femininity is influenced biologically or socially is controversial. It differs from the definition of the biological female sex in that both men and women can have feminine characteristics. These traits include grace, gentleness, empathy, humility, and sensitivity. Docility has historically been a feminine trait, but that has changed in recent years. In particular, with women in leadership positions or political offices, as well as for lesbians in femme-femme relationships. The ability to multitask, as well as the desire to multitask, is also a feminine trait.