Reply To: How Do You Know if You Are Trans?


For me it is the feeling of being at peace when I am dressed in women’s clothes. It feels natural. It was not a sexual thing when I crossdresser and it still isn’t. I have never been comfortable with my male appearence. I can remember early growing up that I would tuck my male part back between my legs and I always loved the way I looked when it did not show.Am not sure about everyone else but that’s when I realized that something was not right. The older I got the more I hated that part of me and wished it would go away.
Have never really enjoyed male activities but always enjoyed being with my mom and sister and wishing I was like them. Always was more comfortable with female friends and their company much more that being with the guys but at that time you had to fit the social norm.I live in a small southern town and comming out then or even now is definitely a sure way to find yourself on the receiving end of hate and possible physical abuse.
Now at 64 and looking back I only wish there had been a place for me to go to fit in and be myself. At this time in my life I have realized that I have to be myself and I enjoy letting my female side show itself. As I am writing this it is 10;45vat night and I am sitting on my back porch dressed in a beautiful purple long nightgown with lace and enjoying my life. For all of you younger ladies out there do not rob yourself of being who you truly are inside and embrace it.