Reply To: Transgender People of Faith
Hi Christy,
That is a a blessing, to have encountered the caring person you needed at just that moment. Well I guess this proves one thing — we can’t hold it against the whole Church just because a few people here and there may be a little insensitive. So, yah, I don’t hold it against Catholicism just because one person kind-of failed me when I needed him. Just like… I don’t hold it against the whole Church that some Catholic priests may have engaged in child abuse. Evil creeps in wherever it can, and priests are only human, after all. And there are so many genuinely good, incorruptible priests out there! But on my own side of the equation, I do tend to have attacks of guilt some times: Would my parents be disappointed in me? Did I ever hurt anyone by being flirtatious or seductive? Is it wrong to not just accept the gender God gave me? Isn’t the manifestation of my femininity just vanity, or lustful enjoyment of sensuous pleasures — the clothes, the perfume, the feel of a man’s body next to me, or whatever? These thoughts and others come back now and again. Nowadays, just to be safe, I prefer telling my tales of woe to my therapist rather than my priest….