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Reply To: Transgender People of Faith


Hi Carla,

God loves you. He has forgiven you. You did the right thing. Please don’t beat yourself up over your past.

I am a Catholic also. I returned to the practice of the Faith in my 20s, after an extended period of militant disbelief when I was young. My first general Confession was at that time, and as I was 26 at the time, it too was long and detailed. Some things were also very painful to admit, as you well know.

Thankfully the priest (my late parish pastor at the time) led me gently through it, heard me out, and in his counsel and absolution showed me kindness that I felt like I didn’t deserve at the time. Eventually I felt forgiveness, and I began making Confession a regular practice shortly thereafter.

I won’t attempt to justify your confessor’s conduct. The vast majority of confessors I have encountered (priests of various ages, training and backgrounds) have by contrast been considerate and thoughtful, are becoming familiar with transgender individuals (e.g. per my posts above), and genuinely wish to offer spiritual comfort. Don’t be afraid to seek them out.

There’s a reason this is in our lives, and it’s not a curse or a punishment. You are worthy of His love, and you have something offer people. Don’t live in isolation.

Even though we all have our flaws, we were put here to support each other. God writes straight even with crooked lines. 🙂


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