Reply To: General Discussion of Transgender Issues
I just saw your post – better late than never! – and I thought you totally nailed this. I present as a straight-but-single male in my professional life, family and certain in-between contexts, and I’ve had both straight and gay friends make awful comments when we are in public and see transpeople walking around here in Baltimore. I have to bite my tongue! But the thing that mostly disturbs me is that my gay friends and/or co-workers join right in, making fun of even the most passable, attractive and classy transwomen. I just don’t get it – of all people, you’d think they would see us as natural allies. But the one thing I do get is that a lot of transwomen are indeed their own worse enemies, too wrapped up in their individual worlds to see the bigger picture and work together. We need to grab a piece of our own turf in the world, before some fascist decides to take away what little we have.