Reply To: Dating While Transgender


I fully understand that cross dressing is a form of being transgender, but I think some of you girls look at the dating scene the wrong way. First, I only find men that are into dating transgender women from the beginning, and if they aren’t, I tell them up front that I am. This helps get rid of the awkward expanation later. Second, if you want a relationship with any man, he is going to feel better if you’re as passable as you can be. I don’t make up the rules, I just know that’s how it is. I have been with my boyfriend for two and a half years and counting. We aren’t getting married because I don’t want to do it again and he has only ever seen it as a way for the government to promote heterosexual relationships. The best way to find someone that truly cares for you is to be completely upfront with them. They need to be comfortable with you in public and in private. It’s far less risky than springing it on them as a surprise.