Reply To: General Discussion of Transgender Issues
Just speaking for my Self, and hopefully this helps YOU. For me I battled many decades worrying about definitions and technical details. The whole man vs woman thing. The six months leading up to my HRT ( hormones ) I was sweating bullets about being confronted with folks demanding I provide my ” Pronouns ” . It was more painful those six months than the decades of hiding in the closet or wondering what I am. Now I am almost 3 Months into my Transition thing. My breasts are growing much more than anticipated or heard of. Hair and nails. But all that aside. Before HRT I was obsessed with makeup and ” girl stuff “. The shopping for shoes. The hours doing makeup and looks. But the day I started hormones that obsession ceased. I was able to relax. I am able to sleep. I am not so worried about being looked at as a man or woman. I feel HOMOGENIZED as both and more. A whole being. At the rate my physical looks are changing I think I will look very woman-ish. I imagine I will still think about the same; so my self perception is I will be a highly modified dude. My hanging parts I am going to lose them regardless from infection and injuries while in the Army. So I will go with the whole woman plan as I agreed upon at the start. I guess what I am saying is profess whatever and if you feel a need for transition do not put it off. I am not a doctor but have been studying neuroendocrinology as a hobby mainly because in my PTSD Groups since 1991 I noticed every soldier and veteran that started HRT was basically cured of PTSD and I truly believe that our bodies try to do all it can on its own to light up that Estrogen, but beliefs and worries of what is taught about Gender and sexual orientation ( which orientation ought to be a completely other subject not necessarily a transgender thing really ) these false beliefs and concerns bring on a lot of torment and anguish. I am so happy now not giving a hoot about having to feel like I have to immediately declare my Pronouns, or jump into a BOX. I AM ME. Ultimately I think that is most important. So it is my opinion if you are here in this Forum say Transgender, try it out. Try EVERYTHING. Go with whatever makes you happiest. And be flexible. Do not make contracts. If something rubs you wrong drop it like its hot! The Great Prophet and Sage Jimmi Hendrix said something to the effect, ” I have my own life to live. I am the one that is going to die when it is time for me to die. SO LET ME LIVE MY LIFE THE WAY I WANT TO.” I think those are valuable words Hendrix said. If someone addresses you as dude and it hurts, correct that person. Learn to stay on top of being assertive. Many of us on these paths have not been good at being assertive. Assertiveness done right prevents conflict and anger. BE YOU! Whatever that is, it is your call. Nobody else’. And strive to be happy with that YOU. My opinion.