Reply To: Transgender Transition
Hello my nane is Karl (nickname Charly) , a transwoman. This is my first post here, so I try to describe a bit where I m and what I m searching for.
So far I’m acting as a crosssdresser because my coming out did not happen until now. Until today I was not brave enough for the coming out or simply saying waiting for the right moment that did not take place. The next chance I see at the time my family is spreaded over the country anyhow, Nevertheless the job area remains. And It will be hard there for the coming out. So at least maybe for me ti could help to find some people to talk about that. How to do it and how to deal with the reactions.
Besides of this little “coming out” problem, I read a lot about GRS, HRT. I would like to dig into the transition process as such. Also here it would be great to get in touch with some members of that forum to talk to.
Btw Im from Germany, near Frankfurt / Main.
Any help, hints, support is really appreciated and needed.