Reply To: How Do You Know if You Are Trans?


Hello Tiffany, I really don’t know. There are some signs but they can also be other things. I’m old school in that I think you need to start with some really honest soul searching and some counseling to rule out any other potential causes. Counseling is also great to help you sort out your feeling and emotions. Transition is a one way ticket so you need to think very hard on what path you are putting yourself on. These are questions that you need to work through. Things have improved over the last 30-40 years but there is still a penalty that society extracts from us when we transition. That penalty is higher for some than others and partly depends upon where you live. I have a friend who was fired, evicted and asked to leave her church when she came out. Finding employment in some parts of the country is still very difficult. Transition will not make your life magically better. Actually, it will make it harder, but even in that condition, some of us actually find their peace. I was 25 when I started my research and seeking professional help. You have the internet available to you, which I didn’t at the time. There are some good resources on the web and some that are actually hazardous. So take it all with a gain of salt and do your own research. – Melissa