Reply To: Transgender Transition
Actually, I just remembered. You had to live as a woman 24/7 for 1 year before you could be prescribed hormones way back when. Now people claim that’s unrealistic and inhuman, blah, blah, blah. The idea was if you could not manage that transition you would not be able to manage the rest. It was a point you could back track from without requiring surgery (example: breast removal). Loss of income was a big deal. My income was basically cut in half after I transitioned.
These days people start hormones while still working their old job and then come out after the hormones have had a chance to work. Then if they lose their job they can’t afford transition and they are stuck in limbo. Better to pull that band aid off before you start. If you can’t find work, housing etc… as your “new self”, better to know before hand what your getting yourself into.