Reply To: Transgender Transition


Hey everyone,

I am new to this group. I am a trans female, been on hormones for 12+ months now. Toward the end of May I am scheduled to have Gender Reassignment Surgery with Geoffrey Stiller in Moscow, Idaho (near Pullman). I’ll also be getting breast augmentation and facial feminization surgery. I am very excited. But I worry some. Anyone been through the surgery? I am trying to get hair removal done, but each time they do it, the hair bounces right back (((. My primary care doctor emphasized how important it was to get hair removal. I worry that I will not be ready hair wise by the time I have surgery. I don’t want to put off the surgery as his waiting list is growing by the day. I don’t want a Marci Bower’s situation, where I have to wait five years. Any help would be great. Thx. – Stephie