Reply To: Transgender Transition


I started my transition in 1988 and finished it in 1992 when I was 30 years old. Renee Richard’s was the first transsexual I remember hearing about and in the end we shared a surgeon. Small world sometimes. I was in NYC area then so watching POSE is like a walk down memory lane. My doctors were in NYC and I spent many a night in the clubs of NYC. As was the habit back then I pretty much disappeared after transition. When trans started to make the headlines about 2 years ago I resurfaced to see what was up. Now that gay marriage has passed, I guess we are now the political target. Anyways, if you have questions feel free to ask. Many things have changed since my time. Terminology, how HRT is administered, but many things remain the same. Other than family I’m just Melissa. Taking my granddaughter to school and the park. Camping when the weather is nice. I disclose to Doctors as a believe in being honest with my doctors. For the most part things have gotten better over the last 30 years.