breast forrms

Put Down That Turkey Leg — It’s Monday!

| Nov 30, 2009
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monday_tgfAs that bloated, oh-migod-I’m-gonna-explode feeling finally starts to recede and, with luck, the turkey leftovers have begun to disappear from the refrigerator our thoughts can now turn to important things —  like getting our figures back in shape for those holiday dresses. We’re going to start that diet regime today, aren’t we girls? Of course. But, Christmas and New Years are still a few weeks away so we’ve got time. Put down your Thigh Master and settle in to read the TGForum Monday Edition.

First up, the detailed digging of delightful News Editor Ronnie Rho. It’s a little column that we call This Week In Transgenderism. Ronnie’s got stories ranging from sad to delightful and they all feature TG elements. You’ll read about the TG con who wants the state to pay for electrolysis (hey, they could teach the prisoners how to do it as a job skill and she could be the first client!), more Day of Remembrance coverage, another cop changes gender on the job, an interview with April Ashley, and a day in the life of a 75 years old drag performer. It’s all in this week’s TWIT.

Scrolling down the main page we find, right after TWIT, the lovely and toony Lexy Tranner — Weekend CD. Our resident cartoonist Miss Kyra Kelly again presents a slice of life from the crossdressing world and I’m sure most of us will be able to relate. Don’t miss Lexy!

Rounding out our offering for today is the lovely and talented Miss Dina Amberle with her mix of news and commentary on things she finds everyday around the house. Oh, no wait a minute. She actually comments on  things she reads while sitting around the house. Not the same thing at all. In this edition of Dina’s Diner we learn about the former drag queen who is now in charge of teaching fashion models how to walk the runway, the trend toward crossdressing among the youth of our country, and Dina has more about Morehouse College and their ban on crossdressing. (Do they listen to more House Music at Morehouse? One wonders.) There’s that and more, all in this edition of Dina’s Diner.

In past Monday Editions some people have had a problem viewing all of the Lexy toon. If you experience a problem seeing the whole cartoon let know with an email. I may not notice a comment and I want to make sure everyone gets the punchline panel as soon as possible.

That’s it for this Monday Edition. Enjoy!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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