Please Welcome — New Content!

| Aug 17, 2009
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Hello my loyal readers! It’s Monday and blah, blah. You know the drill. We start with a particularly well assembled This Week In Transgenderism… ah, no use kidding. I had to fill in for our lovely and talented News Editor Ronnie Rho and assemble the TWIT while she went away and it doesn’t hold a candle to her TWITs. But it does bring you as much TG news as I could find. You’ll read about the transwoman who was told her employer needed a picture of her genitals before she could use the ladies locker room. Wrong on so many levels! There’s the story about the National Trans Police Association, one about a couple of lads who now live as ladies and provide a house where men who want to give that sort of thing a try can do so. I’ve found an article on what it’s like to be a TS in Kuwait and another on how an organization in India is helping the TGs there open fast food shops so they can be honest women, while another Indian organization is trying to find TGs husbands. Oh, there’s more, including a couple TWITS of the Week. It’s all there in This Week In Transgenderism. Come back Ronnie!

Next up is Pamela DeGroff’s Transvocalizers column. This month TVocalizers interviews Lucas Silveira of the hot band The Cliks. Check out the interview and check out the band on iTunes and MySpace. If you like rockin’ music with a TG twist — FtM — don’t miss Transvocalizers.

Following TVocalizers is another batch of musings from our Miss Kalina Isato. They are again of the stochastic variety and flow from outrage at a TS who characterized Kalina’s Tgirl parties in Philadelphia as strictly crossdresser affairs, to teaching a crossdresser that it’s not nice to pull another girl’s hair to see if it’s real, to casually mentioning that she’s going to have another kid. Not her, her wife. But that confuses her Chinese waiter to no end. Are you confused? Don’t be. Read Kalina’s Stochastic Musings. Oh, what she says about bacon…

Rounding out the offering for this Monday Edition is the 41st Chapter of Theresa. Hebe Dotson has labored for many years on the story of Terri Sayers and in this Chapter Terri gets her SRS. Shouldn’t that be the end of the tale you ask? Miss Dotson has plot lines to resolve and a few more surprises up her silk sleeve. To learn just what is in store for Terri you’ll have to read Theresa, Chapter 41.

So there it my little doves. Another Monday of reading matter right here on your monitor. Enjoy!

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Category: All TGForum Posts


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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