Own it Sister, in Three Stages. . .
I sat across the desk of my CEO, a 265-pound pro bodybuilder and company owner who I worked for. I extended a shaky hand offering my phone, revealing an image of Char to him for very the first time. He gazed at the image for a minute without flinching, handed the phone back to me with a smile and casually said ‘I can support this, just own it’
Just own it?
What does that even mean? Several years later and I believe I have an answer to that question.
The steps to Owning it come in three stages of growth:
Stage 1 – Denial. Being able to stop the denial and resist what is continually trying to emerge from deep within. I have purged the closet several times over the years, as many of us have or continue to do.
It’s like trying to hold a big beach ball under water on a windy day with one hand and no easy task. That something trying to emerge has been trying to surface ever since I could chew. I had purged a few times in the past and was familiar with the resurgence of desire, forever returning. Some months after I had purged almost everything, except one pair of skinny jeans a top, Char eventually succeeded in emerging. The jeans and top had been tucked away deep in the abyss a drawer, just in case.
Stage 2 – Acceptance: This is the point where I chose to own it. Shortly after I started purchasing clothes, make up, and shoes again.
Char was a part of my soul trying to express itself. Acceptance began to allowed the harsh suffering to subside. I wasn’t constantly having suicidal thoughts and hating the reflection in the mirror. I accepted that this was not going away or a phase I would grow through and out of eventually. In fact, the more I consciously chose to say kind things to the girl in the mirror, the more I began to like her, bringing me to the next state.
Stage 3 – Owning it: The true power came from acceptance, my soul’s desire to truly embrace Char. Embracing, in the words of Fern Gully ‘help it grow’. Taking part, intentionally and consciously, in the fullest expression of my soul’s desire. Mirror talk is far more powerful when I as questions such as:
What do you need today Char?
What do you want most today?
How can I help you grow today?
Char always answers with a quiet voice, a feeling or a nudge in one direction or another.
Embracing is leaning into the emergence of beautiful you. A state of mind, where we know that we are simply playing a character from a deep desire within, who is attempting to be seen, heard and known. One who loves and wants to be loved.
This week as you Reset, observe where you are resisting, repressing and holding back your own growth. Allow that part of you to emerge, allows more freedom from suffering and victim consciousness, but is still a defensive mechanism. Embracing is gifting yourself the best ever support. It’s intentionally creating the best conditions where and when we can, to safely support the full and authentic emergence of beautiful you.
Becoming our authentic self and embracing this part of us will create the greatest of all human experiences, feelings of satisfaction, happiness, courage, self-esteem and self-love.
Category: Transgender Body & Soul