Ninja Beauty Secrets — Part 10

| Apr 28, 2008
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Glamour Makeup

This month we turn our attention to glamour makeup, also known to some girls as evening or special occasion makeup. I will talk about my experiences with clients from all over the world as well as my experiences doing wedding makeup for genetic women.

clubcrawl042508c.jpgFor some girls, going out during the day is not an option, however these girls want to look as good as they possibly can during their evening or weekend excursions. Sometimes known as “weekend warriors,” many of these girls can be seen at tranny bars, but the more daring venture into straight places in the hopes that they will pass.

It’s a wonderful feeling to be among real people. I like people interaction. It just makes my life that much more rich and this is how I get most of my ideas on what works and what doesn’t in the real world. I study people. I notice what they’re wearing. I look at what the best-looking girls are wearing and how they do their makeup and I imitate them. By best-looking girls, I don’t mean just tranny girls, but all girls. Many of you know that I’ve been going to both gay and straight clubs since 1992. I have a pretty good idea of what works and what looks good and on whom.

For example, blue eyeshadow is one of the no-no’s that every makeup book will warn you about, but did you know that there are actually shades of blue that will work on certain people? Did you also know that certain shades of pink lipstick, normally a daytime color, are becoming more and more popular for evening looks? Do you know the difference between wearing just enough versus not enough and how to check for this before you step out your door?

dsc_5117.jpgI’ve been working as a professional beauty and image consultant since 1994. I’ve had well over a hundred clients of all ages, races, and walks of life from fourteen different countries. All of them share one common goal: to look as beautiful as possible and to see how I can help them achieve that goal. My client base is not only male-to-female transgender women, but genetic women as well. I’ve performed makeup services for several weddings that included the bride, the bridesmaids, and moms. I’ve also had genetic women come to me in a consulting capacity. They reasoned that if I could make male-to-female transgenders look phenomenal, I could probably make them look phenomenal, too, and they’re correct in that assumption.

“Glamour makeup that works” is the focus of my new series of articles for my Ninja Beauty Secrets column here on TGForum. You’ll learn how to amp up your makeup just enough so you look phenomenal without looking garish. Instead of focusing on just one type of look, we’re going to play and experiment with different glamour looks and I welcome your questions because they’ll all be answered here in this column.

Next month, we’ll begin with a study of facial shapes and the hair or wig styles that look best with them.

For more ninja beauty secrets, purchase Natural Makeup Techniques or Secrets to an Awesome Makeover from my web site. (Will open in a new window.)

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Category: Makeup, Transgender How To


About the Author ()

I've been active in the transgender community since 1991 and living as a full-time woman since 2010. My books are internationally recognized as some of the best makeup and transformation books for male-to-female crossdressers and transsexuals. Each book is chock full of good information and some have stories that will inspire you to be the best woman that you can be. More than just makeup and transformation books, they are sources of inspiration and portals into my life as a transgender woman. Over 3,000 women just like you have learned from these books, many of whom have gone on to become beautiful, passable, and successful in whatever they do!

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