breast forrms

It’s Quite Simple — It’s The TGF Monday Edition!

| Jul 26, 2010
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tgf_mondayHello my sweltering sweeties. It has been hot, hot, hot here in the northeast USA. Today the humidity has decreased so we are at last able to breath without respirators. And the constant sweat that mats our wigs down on our steaming heads and melts the makeup right off of upper lips has abated, a bit. It’s still hot out there but glamor knows no heat so hot it can keep a good drag queen down. If God had wanted to keep crossdressers from dressing up in the summer he wouldn’t have invented automobile air conditioners. You run from your air conditioned house to your air conditioned car and then into the air conditioned mall or cocktail lounge. Viola! You’re out and about in your summer fashions.

But that’s not why you logged in today. You want to read the TGF Monday Edition and we will not disappoint. Our News Editor, Ronnie Rho, is off this week for a bit of a vacation. (Details are in TWIT.) I myself was forced to swarm all over the World Wide Web and dig out all the nuggets of TG news to assemble that massive assemblage of links we call The Week In Transgenderism. There are stories about the TG widow in Texas, Kevin Kline in a movie with crossdressers, a young TG named Josie, TG tax collectors in Pakistan, TG news from the world of show biz and a whole lot more. I hope you find it adequate and please, Ronnie, come back! I’ve developed carpal tunnel and writer’s cramp. Read the fruits of my Twittery in The Week In Transgenderism.

Linda Jensen joins us with a tale from The Pines. While that sounds like a science fiction story title it will ring a bell with those of you who attended JoAnn Robert’s Paradise in The Poconos in the early 1990s. That was the name of the hotel/resort that served as the venue for her TG weekends. I attended a Poconos weekend even earlier than that while Joyce Dewhurst was still running them. It was held at a place called The Antlers.  She passed the baton to JoAnn and JoAnn traded The Antlers for The Pines. Linda’s tale from The Pines will surely resonate with anyone who has attended either the Pocono or Beach events. Don’t miss How I Lost The Miss Congeniality Contest — Part 1.

We are one column short this week. Christine Beatty’s TransActive was on the schedule but she has had computer problems all week and wasn’t able to get her column done. She will be back next month! Enjoy the TGF Monday Edition and let us know if you like it, hate it or have any suggestions.

  • Yum

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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