Get Your Swimsuit, Sister! It’s Pictorial Time!
A few weeks ago JoAnn remarked to me that we really should get a new pictorial up on the site. We’ve been busy of course but that’s no excuse for not putting up anything new since 2005. (And that one seems to have disappeared into the ozone.)
So, since it’s summer I am hereby putting out the call for swimsuit photos! Over the next few weeks (till early August at least) work on your tan, hold in that tummy and take a shot in a swimsuit. Like the one illustrating this notice we’d prefer that the shot be taken on the beach but if you can’t manage that we’ll understand and you won’t be left out. We do however reserve the right to not use any photo due to excessive cellulite or a bad attitude.
So get busy girls! Get those swimsuit photos and send them to me. Make sure you put “Swimsuit” in the subject line and include your name and where the photo was taken. (Which beach/park/backyard/pool, etc.) Have fun, look sexy and we’ll see you in the Swimsuit Pictorial!
PS: The shot of me was taken at Sea Girt on the New Jersey shore a few years ago… back when I could still fit into a swimsuit. Even then it was a one piece.
Category: TG Forum News