Breaking News — APA Names DSM-V Work Group Members
On the first of May the American Psychiatric Association (APA) announced the members of the work groups who will review scientific advances and research based information to develop the fifth edition of APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V). The work group members are composed of more than 120 world renowned scientific researchers and clinicians. Click more to read the press release from the APA.
Experts to Revise Manual for Diagnosis of Mental Disorders
ARLINGTON, Va. (May 1, 2008) – The American Psychiatric Association (APA) today announced the members of the work groups who will review scientific advances and research based information to develop the fifth edition of APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V). The work group members are composed of more than 120 world renowned scientific researchers and clinicians with expertise in neuroscience, biology, genetics, statistics, epidemiology, public health, nursing, pediatrics and social work.
“The work group members were chosen for their expertise in research and clinical care,” said APA President Carolyn B. Robinowitz, M.D. “APA’s goal is to develop an updated manual that ensures the accuracy and consistency of diagnosis in clinical practice, and the work group members are committed to that task.†DSM is the manual used by psychiatrists and other mental health professionals in the United States and around the world to accurately diagnose mental disorders as the foundation for appropriate treatment.
“A wealth of new research has emerged since 1994, when the current diagnostic criteria were established in DSM-IV,” explained David J. Kupfer, M.D., chair of the DSM-V Task Force. “The work group members will examine the extent to which this new research warrants modifying the current organization of disorders, descriptions of disorders and the criteria for diagnosis.”
The work group members join 28 previously announced task force members, consisting of chairs of each of the 13 work groups, as well as representatives from the APA Board of Trustees and Assembly, the National Institutes of Health, and individuals addressing cross-cutting concerns such as gender, culture, development and diagnostic spectrum issues. Darrel A. Regier, M.D.,
M.P.H., is the vice chair of the DSM-V Task Force and William E. Narrow, M.D., M.P.H., is task force research director. The task force members will oversee the development of DSM-V.
Collectively, the work group and task force members have authored thousands of research reports and journal articles as well as books, chapters and white papers. Many have a history of leadership and collaboration with the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization, and many are editors or are on the editorial boards of major medical journals. Their interests and expertise range from cross-cultural medicine and genetics to geriatric issues, ethics and addiction.
A list of the individual work groups follows. The names of some work groups have changed since the original announcement of task force members, and groups’ scope of work may evolve as their efforts progress. A full listing of the task force and work group members is attached. (Note: Visit the APA site for the full list.)
ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum, Posttraumatic, and Dissociative Disorders
Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence
Eating Disorders
Mood Disorders
Neurocognitive Disorders
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Personality and Personality Disorders
Psychotic Disorders
Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders
Sleep-Wake Disorders
Somatic Distress Disorders
Substance-Related Disorders
As part of the APA’s effort to avoid conflicts of interest in the development of DSM-V, the APA Board of Trustees has required that all work group and task force members disclose all significant relationships with entities that have an interest in psychiatric diagnoses and treatments. The disclosure for work group members covers the period from 2005 to the present and includes fees received as honoraria or for being members of advisory boards; stock or other
ownership; patents and royalties; and positions as an officer, consultant or employee and industry-funded research grants. The APA also requested disclosure of uncompensated leadership positions with non-profit or advocacy organizations that may have an interest in psychiatric diagnoses and treatment. Each member completed a public disclosure form; these are available to view at
The APA Board of Trustees also required all work group and task force members to abide by a set of established principles (also available at For example, all have agreed that from the time of appointment and continuing through the duration of their work on DSM-V, their total individual annual income derived from industry sources (excluding unrestricted research grants) will not exceed $10,000 in any calendar year. Work Group members will receive no remuneration for their time and efforts on DSM-V activities.
“We have made every effort to ensure that DSM-V will be based on the best and latest scientific research, and to eliminate conflicts of interest in its development,”explained Dr. Robinowitz.
Revision of the DSM will continue over the next four years, and work groups have already begun meeting. DSM-V is scheduled to be published in 2012; the current edition of the manual, the DSM-IV-TR was issued in 2000 and was a text revision of DSM-IV, which was issued in 1994. Text revision means that only explanatory text was updated. Additional information on the DSM-V revision process is available
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