Would you really want this fairytale for your daughter?
Anytime this hard core humanist/feminist sees examples of the pornification of women, I wish I could ask these sleazy, sexual pigs . . . since you find pleasure in porn, strip clubs and disrespecting women — how would you like your daughter to grow up and become a prostitute or porn star? Everything is fine — until it’s their daughter. Suddenly things are different. It is okay for every other man’s daughter to be apart of misogyny and sexual exploitation but not their daughters. Every stripper, porn star has/had a mother, father, she is someone’s child and if she is yours then most likely you would never want to see her end up naked in a sleazy strip club with slimy men, who are treating your precious daughter like a sex slave or object. That is not what fathers dream for their daughters.
What does this have to do with male to female crossdressers — who just happens to have daughters? Since too many cross dressers do not comprehend or accept what they have done to their wives and way too many minimalize her pain — maybe if they could see it through their daughters eyes — it might help to awaken their consciousness and open their eyes.
Let’s pretend. Go for an Oscar performance (you are NOT a crossdresser) and you lived long enough to walk your daughter down the aisle. This is the day she and you have longed for. She is marrying the love of her life. Everything is like a dream. Your daddy’s little girl is so happy — until one day you notice, something is wrong. You ask her what’s troubling her? She never tells you about her living nightmare. She’s been married now for 10 years, 2 kids and over the years you know she is not okay. She is seeing a therapist, drinking and depressed. You inquire again but still she can’t tell you — until she has a breakdown. Her children recognize the sadness in their mom but she is the lioness, trying to protect her young. They will not find out what is ripping her heart out. She tries to do the daily chores, work, clean, shop, etc. but she is not okay. You wonder, is she ill? Is her husband cheating? What happened to my daughter? She used to open up to me . . . why can’t she tell me what’s wrong? Why is she so sad and quiet?
It ends up when you learn your son-in-law never disclosed about his life long condition of being a crossdresser. He decided it was time to come out — and your daughter was just gonna have to accept it. He broke her heart — lied to her, betrayed her — at the altar — she is devastated. Where can she go for help? She hates her husband crossdressing. She did not sign up for this. There is no more intimacy in her marriage and the last thing she wants is to be intimate with the stranger she married. As her father — her FIRST protector — what would you do? Tell her — it’s no big deal — it’s just clothes? Or would you be moving her out with your grandchildren, calling the divorce attorney and supporting her needs? She is clear — no way does she want the life of a crossdresser’s wife.
My dad, god bless his liberal soul, upon finding out what really happened to my 20 year marriage — one that was full of lies, kept saying, “Why didn’t you tell me? I could have gotten you and your child out.” He was devastated and cried with me. My family, as we knew it, was gone due to my ex husband’s choice to lie . . . over and over and over. Of course, my father — despite his love for my ex — wanted to kill him! My ex took away not only my joy — but also that of my family’s gatherings etc. All because he chose to lie. The lies shattered our family. And my adult child ain’t happy either. He thinks his father is a freak and the rest of my family is pretty much in agreement.
It might be hard for some of you to comprehend what I am desperately trying to expose. I suppose for those of you who are fathers — this was hard to read. Good. We are making headway.
So, is your daughter a selfish bitch because she does not understand her crossdressing husband? Is she selfish because she does not want to sleep next to someone who is in lingerie? Is she a horrible wife because she refuses to engage in sex acts when all she sees in her head is her CD husband dressed up like women? Is she a prostitute because she stayed with her CD husband until her children grow up? She feels like she is a lesbian. Do you understand what just happened to your little girl? If she gets divorced is it her fault that the marriage vows were broken? Is it okay that her CD husband ignores your daughter’s wishes — not to mention boundaries? Do you understand many daughters (and wives) are being emotionally and mentally abused?
I hope that some of you are having an AH HA moment!
KEEP THIS IN THE FOREFRONT OF YOUR MINDS. Your wife is somebody’s daughter too . . .
Dee A Levy
The Cross Dressers Wife *Our Secret Lives
Category: Transgender Body & Soul, Transgender Opinion