Work With What You’ve Got

Our inspiration, Jennifer Beals.
Most of us who are inclined to crossdress as women want to look, as men say, “smokin’ hot.” Why dress up and look like a washerwoman or a bag lady? We want to be beautiful, alluring and sexy. Well, until scientists develop body swapping technology that can put your mind into a clone of Jennifer Beals’ body, CDs will have to make do with the equipment they’ve got.
Of course there is a lot you can do with silicone breast forms, Spandex® undergarments and the accessories that regular women use to project a more glamorus image. Without altering yourself physically you can look like you have nice breasts, show off a slim waistline and wear nude hose to make your legs look smooth and touchable. Wigs, makeup and can go along way to make you look like the ideal human female. It all can work for you if you have the right body type.
But what of those who aren’t 5’ 6” or under? What about crossdressers who have the need to doll up but have pot bellies, or thick body hair, barrel chests and over six foot heights? They want to look like the ideal human female too but, to be blunt, it ain’t gonna happen.
This doesn’t mean you should give up hope if you fall into one of those body types that is not conducive to hotness. You just have to do the best you can and work with what you’ve got. There are plenty of non-ideal female bodies to emulate. Just look around the next time you’re in a supermarket or mall. There are tall women, round women and women who waddle more than they walk. There are women with thin hair, women with muffin top problems and women who look like men in dresses. They are out there walking around in public and living their lives. There’s no reason you can’t do the same.

Women can be heavy.

Glenn Close isn’t the perfect ideal.
Stand in front of your mirror, or better yet, set up a camera on a tripod. Take pictures of yourself in just underwear. Get the front, sides and back. Then go put on your clothes and take a look at the photos. Identify the things about your body that are feminine features. Are your hips wider and more like a woman’s? Do you have some extra flesh in the breast area that can be pushed up with a bra and padding to give the illusion of full breasts? Make a note of all the things about yourself that work for female impersonation.
Then look at the photos and identify the masculine features that you need to overcome. Is there a rug on your chest? Is that chest bigger than a woman’s should be? Are your shoulders large?
After you have identified the femme positive and femme negative features you possess it’s time to consult expert advice like the articles found here on TGF or a book like JoAnn Roberts’ Art & Illusion. (Available in The Bookstand.) There are methods you can use to minimize the negative aspects and enhance the postive aspects. There are too many glamor tips and tricks for this article but there is much advice available on how to dress correctly to emulate any type of woman from the sexy ideal to a plain woman who is comfortable being who she is.

Some women are athletic.
The final thought for this article is: learn femininity — not glamor. Glamor may be what we all strive for but if you create the perfect glam look and don’t ever learn to project femininity you will not be a success at being sexy as a woman. There are hundreds of body language cues that women, both attractive and not so attractive, put out that let the world know they are female. Crossdressers who either want to just blend in and be accepted or those who want to be seen as hotties on the prowl should learn to project those subtle clues of femininity. It takes observation and then assimilation. Look at women around you all the time. See what it is that makes the tall woman who is a size 14 seem as feminine as the petite 5’ 5” lady. Practice at home in front of a mirror or with a video camera.
Work with what you’ve got! Be the best woman you can be. Have fun!
Category: Transgender Body & Soul, Transgender How To