What’s Going On At TGForum

| Oct 2, 2008
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JoAnn RobertsSome people have asked me what’s happening with the changes I promised for TGForum. Others are asking: “What the Hell’s wrong with the TGF mail?” Well, the two are related.Some of you may now that our mail system is messed up again. Some accounts work just fine while others cannot receive mail. The reason is another mail-bomb attack. In fact, we get mail-bombed about twice a month. Every time this happens it takes Alaina (our tech admin) hours to restore service. She is working on restoring the mail service as I type this. Every time she has to do this it takes away from her time working on the revised TGF (which, by the way, is a major overhaul of every aspect of TGF).So, we’ve made very little progress on rolling out the new TGF. I’ve discussed the continuing attacks with Alaina and we have concluded that the only way to inoculate TGF from these attacks is to move our mail system to a commercial email provider. That means increased costs.So, I’ve decided on a course of action.

(1) Once the current mail system is repaired, we will move everyone’s account to a commercial email provider with industrial-strength protection against spam and mail bombs.

(2) New subscribers will be given a choice of having TGF access with email for $42, or TGF access without an email account for $36.

(3) As current subscriber’s accounts come up for renewal, you will be offered the same choice.This will take the burden of mail worries off Alaina so she can finish working on the new TGF.

Some of the things we’re aiming for with the new version are:

(A) Single sign-in. Once you’re in you can access all of the services of TGF.

(B) Social networking tools that will let you contact and communicate easily with other TGF users. Think Facebook.

(C) Personal blogs rather than websites. Blogs are easier to use and simpler to create.

(D) Revised Chat room. I have an idea about chat that we’re not sure we can implement but we’re going to try. The main chat will be open to anyone. If you are a TGF member you will be able to open a private chat room and invite anyone into it. I can’t promise we can do it, but we’ll try.

(E) Revised “look & feel” and easier access to stories.Of course, we’ll keep the things that set TGF apart from other TG sites, our weekly coverage of the news that affects you and your life.

I apologize for the mail problems and believe me when I say I am as po’d about it as you are. I promise we’ll fix this issue and make TGF mail even better.

Best regards, JoAnn Roberts, Publisher

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About the Author ()

I am a writer, editor and educator. I was one of the 5 founders of the Renaissance Transgender Education Assoc., and have served on the boards of IFGE and AEGIS. I've published several books on CD/TS/TG subjects. My how-to books are available at the CDS Bookstand (www.cdspub.com). I am most proud of "Coping With Crossdressing: Tools and Strategies for Couples in Committed Relationships". I was an early TG political activist and one of the co-founders of GenderPAC. I wrote and published a Bill of Gender Rights in December 1990. I've appeared on several television shows and in the movie "All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go". I published "LadyLike" magazine for 18 years, as well as "EnFemme" magazine and "International TranScript". (JoAnn passed away in June of 2013.)

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