TWIT Notes! (This Week in Transgenderism)
The number of people making transgendered folk look bad is at an all time high! Maybe they all want to get their names in TWIT Notes!The Human Rights Council polled GLBT people over ENDA, and 68% said transgenders should be excluded. But wait! The Washington Blade talked to some polling experts who think the poll was flawed. Has anyone polled the trans-community exclusively? We haven’t heard much noise on the issue, except from the usual suspects. Does anyone in the T-section actually care about ENDA?
Yet more fallout from HRC’s buckling on ENDA. The Associated Press says Donna Rose resigned from the one HRC board she was still on, and Jamison Green has gone with her. This probably gives Jamison more time to appear on every single trans-themed documentary that will ever be made.
Call your cable company now, and demand they add Logo to your selected channels. Why? For one thing, there are far too many sports channels, and because Calpernia Adams will have a show in February. Get the skinny at the Do we really need ESPN Classic? Really?
National Public Radio did a piece on Rev. Drew Phoenix, and how his transition has shaken the Methodist world.
A judge says the sex discrimination lawsuit against the Library of Congress can proceed. A New York law school professor has analysis.
A news tipper, Jenny Canden, says Dayton, Ohio, is the latest community to add gender identity to the city’s non-discrimination laws. confirms the report.
Another news tipper, Hebe Dotson, says a drag queen made the cover of Vogue, in France. Oooh la la! A quick check of the New York Times confirms Hebe’s story.
Good news! We’ve got the Socialists on our side. All 30 of them. Still, it is a nice article they’ve written on the Transgender Day of Remembrance, and frankly, we need all the help we can get.
The Daily Illini says transgendered students aren’t getting enough care at the campus health center, at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign. In other news, hundreds of transsexuals watch to see if they should go back to school for their MBA‘s in Illinois.
A blogger at CNet warns that new TSA regulations could make it more of a pain to fly. Especially if you’re transgendered.
An FtM was voted homecoming king in California, but they almost stripped his crown, because of what was in his ears. Bet that would have made Vanessa Williams feel that much better. Learn more at the Chronicle of Higher Education.
For our TWIT of the week, we have a four-way tie! First, we go to Chatanooga, Tennessee, where an FtM is back in jail after violating terms of a plea agreement. What did he do in the first place? News Channel 9 has the story.
Then, we skip over to Memphis, Tennessee, for the three crossdressers who went on a rampage at a local McDonald’s. I know the service and the food is bad there, ladies, but that’s no excuse. My Fox Memphis covers the story.
In France, a retired drag queen is in custody, suspected of murdering 18 people. Oy. Since we don’t speak French, we get the story from The Scotsman.
And then there’s the world’s ugliest bride. Or: “That’s no terrorist! That’s my wife!” CNN has an explanation.
And to end on a positive note, a support group is collecting items for a shelter in NYC. Go to their website to see if you can help.
Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Community News