Twit Awards for the Week 6/27/22
The Texas Republican Party held its annual convention last week, and adopted a platform with says that the party opposes “all efforts to validate transgender identity.” Note the infinitive there: they are not opposing the granting of rights (which they would consider special privileges for others), but efforts to validate our identities. The platform also calls for a ban on medically treating gender dysphoria for all under the age of 21. For acting superior to a group of people, and for ignoring the party’s historic ideal of limited government involvement in the lives of others, the Republican party of Texas gets a Twit Award. The Advocate has this story.
Charles Moran, the leader of the Log Cabin Republicans, wrote a piece for USA Today in which he condemned the anti-homosexual parts of the Republican Party of Texas’s platform. However, he praised efforts such as the Parent’s Bill of Rights in Education (a.k.a., the “Don’t Say Gay” law), and the anti-transgender portions of the platform. For praising a grand injustice of human rights, and for having the audacity to say that President Trump had extended LGBTQ rights, Charles Moran gets a Twit Award. This story comes from The Advocate.
A story on Fox News claims in its headline, “California children’s hospital transgender youth center caters to patients as young as age 3.” The story then goes on to talk about puberty blockers, which are not a part of treatment until puberty starts, generally around age 11. For leaving a false impression that three-year-olds are getting medical treatment for gender dysphoria, Fox News gets a Twit Award.
MP Nick Fletcher said that transgender students are “going through a phase.” The evidence for this was a study done 40 years ago, which grouped transgender children together with others who challenged the gender norms of the time (such as boys who wanted a pierced ear), and found that people in this group did not persist in wanting to change their gender. The finding failed to mention how many of those in the group never expressed a desire to change their gender in the first place. For using bad evidence and bad logic to support something which more recent studies (studies which look at transgender children without looking at others) have found is inaccurate, and for making stuff up, MP Nick Fletcher gets a Twit Award. PinkNews has this story.
Republican Senators have introduced what they call the “Protect Minors from Medical Malpractice Act of 2022.” The bill would allow any parent whose child receives gender-affirming care without parental permission to sue the doctors who provide that care. The bill fails to mention the fact that current legislation requires parental consent for medical treatments. The bill also would allow desisters to sue their doctors at a later date, ignoring the fact that these patients were told of the effects of the medication and consented to it. For writing legislation to address a problem which is not shown to exist, and for writing their prejudices into law, these Republican Senators get a Twit Award. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation has this story.
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Category: Transgender Opinion