True Transsexuals (Part III!)
I only started blogging about the theory of True Transsexuals because it happened to someone very close to me. She started believing she was transsexual, and was headed down the transition road when she didn’t need to be.
I confess: it was me. For years, people have either told me they thought I was TS, or said I gave off a “TS vibe”. After hearing this for so long, I bought into it. All my friends were doing it, so why not me? It stands to reason: if all my friends were TS, couldn’t I be too? After all, we had so much else in common.
Well, no. Not necessarily. It was group think, and I’m not the only one to whom it’s happened. One member of a circle of TG friends will get on the hormones, and before you know it, everyone else is taking them too.
Outside of work, my life revolved around transgenderism. I spent hours in chat rooms, writing articles at TGForum, getting dressed up and partying as Ronnie. It seemed like the only thing that was holding me back was the issue of work. And once I was laid off that barrier was removed.Â
So, I started thinking of transitioning, planning on finding a new job where I could be Ronnie, started a bit of research into hormones, and I started letting my hair grow out.
The only thing that saved me was meeting a wonderful woman, falling in love, and marrying her. She opened my eyes to the fact there was more to life than my gender. She cued me in to being able to have fun without wearing a dress and big hair and makeup. She got me out of the immersion cycle I was in.
So, how do I know I’m not TS? After all, just because one says one is not, does not make it so. Well, admittedly, it could be true. I’m not 100% positive. But, I am about 98% sure.
Go back up two paragraphs. See what I wrote? “…without wearing a dress and big hair and makeup.”  That’s what my gender issue comes down to: Clothing, and more specifically, trying to look good in that clothing. As shallow as it sounds, I wouldn’t want to be a woman full-time unless I could be a foxy woman. It’s about appearance for me. And for someone who really is TS, I don’t think that’s true.
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