True Transsexuals (Part II)

| Aug 23, 2006
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ha2.JPGSo, going with the theory that there are transgendered people out there who claim to be transsexual, but perhaps aren’t:  What would cause someone to voluntarily run down that very rough road when they don’t have to?

Why would someone put themselves through all that pain, all those difficulties that TS’s face, when they could avoid it?  One word answer:


That’s the theory that some of us get so immersed in the transgender culture that we can’t help but think we’re TS.  We live, sleep and breathe being transgendered.  When we’re not at work, we’re online, reading TG-related posts.  When we’re not with family members, we’re dressing up and taking pictures of ourselves.

All of our fun times are en femme.  All of our not-so-fun times are in boy mode.  Work?  Have to dress like a guy.  But when we get together with friends, (all of whom are also TG), we’re painted and pretty.

We somewhat logically think that we’re supposed to be female, because we’re happiest when we’re dressed up, or at least thinking of being dressed up.  Work isn’t fun and family means responsibility, so we equate those periods with misery.

How to break this cycle?  Get some non-TG interests.  Make friends who aren’t crossdressers and transsexuals.  Look at websites that have nothing to do with what clothes you’re wearing.  Basically, build a life that doesn’t revolve around your gender identity.

I’m not saying there aren’t transsexuals, remember.  All I’m offering, is that there may be some of us making choices about our lives that aren’t for the ultimate best. 

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Category: All TGForum Posts


About the Author ()

Ronnie Rho has been writing for Transgender Forum since May of 1999. One of these days, she'll get it right. She's been described as the "world's most famous recluse," but only by people who don't know her very well. She is unmarried, and lives in Cincinnati.

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