Reply To: Hey! I’m New Here!


Hubble is my favourite. This was the first main player and has given us some fantastic images.
Drake equation? It goes without question that we are not alone in this vast universe, and one day it will be proven to all.
I have taken many photos, 100’s of hours worth. My set up is all remote controlled so I can go into my cave and admire the beauty on the screen. It takes far longer than is assumed to get 1 decent image from stacking maybe 100’of separate photos and then manipulating in a package such as photos hop…but it is all worth it, IMO.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that is true. One man’s gold is another’s trash. We are all unique with similar thoughts, well 99.9% that is, as there will always be the undesirables.

Female attire? Where does one start. Women have a plethora of choices, and most are TBH, very nice indeed.
I have never had a choice of what to wear in the female range. My ownership would be only lingerie, but put a woman in stockings, heels, pencil skirt and blouse….and my mouth is dripping….haha. Put me in all that and I’d be totally under the spell of whoever dressed me.
I have TBH, just looking at female clothing gets me going, it’s like my ” member” has a mind all of its own, and simply controls me…..I wish there was a pill to stop it, but there’s only pills to “raise” it.

I am in an astrophotography forum, but only frequent it rarely. I did start an astrophotography group on Facebook, but it is only new with very few members.

I’m at ease in all situations, whether lone or in a group, I try to enjoy whatever, or wherever, I happen to be. I prefer female company over men, unless I happen to be doing something that is usually a male “thing”……and don’t ask me, “such as what?”…haha. I do not venture out in female attire, my dressing up is completely private. I would never be able to look anything like a woman, I am too male looking. A typical male physique, definite male face, take care of my body, and too muscly. Nope, my fun time is entirely at home.

You seem to be a fan of “communication”. It is a rare commodity these days to find someone that can string a sentence…legibly, let alone have a full blown conversation. I love chatting, meeting new people, and talking about literally anything.
A pleasure to make your acquaintance.