Reply To: Trans People in Sports

This WreckageThis Wreckage

Perhaps you might think a little deeper on this. Clearly, some trans women have a physical advantage over some cis women. Who would even try to argue otherwise? But that is not the case for all trans and cis women, or even the majority; the solution when safety is at stake is to place cis and trans women in the competitive categories appropriate to their physiques. The fact that all basketball teams are composed of tall people shows how we happily accept inequities that you aren’t protesting.

You haven’t even addressed the core of my argument, that there are other larger inequalities in competitive sports that the trans-hate lobby refuses to consider. If you were committed to rooting out systemic injustice, you would be a socialist. Young athletes, as I have already written, are more likely to succeed when they have the enormous benefits of wealth: private schooling, families with the resources to buy kit and transport them to training and events. That injustice is vastly more widespread, deeply-rooted and effective in elevating children of wealth than the supposed (and largely illusory) inequities caused by the tiny number of transgender athletes.

“There is little, if any, evidence, however, that trans girl and woman athletes are a problem in need of a solution. When it contacted two dozen lawmakers sponsoring school sporting ban legislation to name examples of transgender athletes competing on girls’ teams, the Associated Press found “only a few times it’s been an issue among the hundreds of thousands of American teenagers who play high school sports.” And the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the International Olympic Committee, and other amateur and professional sports leagues have long had policies that allow trans athletes to compete according to their gender identity.”