Reply To: Transgender People of Faith


I’ve been pretty confused about this for a long time. I have been a strong believer in Christianity all my life, and although I do not attend church often still God is a large part of my life and I try to live it. As a result, with my lifelong desire to be female I kept away from being myself and avoided wanting to be a woman for a long time due to confusion about whether it is sinful or not. My sister does not understand it at all, she says of course it is not sinful, that God made me the way I am, and since it is a part of me then it must not be sinful to be transsexual. I had never thought of it that way, I always thought of it in terms of the Old Testament biblical passage about how wearing the clothing of the other gender was sinful. Then, I found a book called “The Transsexual and the Bible” on Amazon and it has helped me a lot as well. I feel much better about it now.