Reply To: Crossdresser Corner


Hello Ladies.
An issue I have been dealing with (off and on) for quite a while is the seeming non acceptance of cross dressers by some (and I emphasize SOME) of the TG community. I have been told too many times that I am not being true to myself by not transitioning. I am a hetero male to female cross dresser and both my wife and I are happy with that. No, I’m not “pretending” to be ok with it to save my marriage. No, I am not suppressing the “real” woman inside me. As that great philosopher Popeye said, “I yam what I yam and that’s all what I yam.” Yet when the topic is thrown in my face, I cannot seem to come up with the right words to convince the accuser. (not that I could ever convince them otherwise. “I changed my opinion by what I read on The Internet”, said no one – ever)
Anyway, just venting here, but if you have words of wisdom to share, I’m open. Thanks, Sweeties!