TNN: Trans News Now – Oct 7, 2024

| Oct 12, 2024
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October 7 is the first Monday in October, and with that, the new session of the Supreme Court begins. One of their biggest cases coming up involves the constitutionality of Tennessee’s ban on gender-affirming care for minors. Reuters has a preview of the new session of the Supreme Court.

An article in LGBTQ Nation highlights four cases involving transgender rights which might come up before the court in the next year.

The women’s volleyball team from San Hose Statee University has won four games by forfeiture, as their opponents refuse to play against a transgender athlete. The athlete in question is Blaire Fleming, who played in relative anonymity until now. The New York Post has this story.

In Missouri, the case of the constitutionality of the state’s ban on gender-affirming medical care for minors continues. The state has broought forth their star witness, Professor John Michael Bailey of Northwesstern University. Professor Bailey once wrote a paper about “Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria,” but it was retracted. Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria is a contradiction in terms, and is generally not accepted as part of the science of gendeer. This story comes from the Missouri Independent.

A man from New York City was convicted of the murder of a transgender woman in 2010. Shore News Newtork has the story.

A panel of the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals refused a request to put a stay on certain aspects of Florida’s ban on gender-affirming care for transgender people. This story comes from WMNF public radio.

The head of the Texas Departent of Public Safety has asked the state’s Attorney General Ken Paxton for guidance on the implementation of the new policy on transgender people. According to the Huffington Post, the department is willing to reveerse gender changes on driver’s licenses and state-issued ID cards.

The debate between candidats for the U.S. Vice Presidency took place this week. The topic of transgender rights did not come up, despite the fact that trans rights are indeed a topic of division in this race. LGBTQ Nation has this story.

CBS News has a story about the San Francisco LGBT Asylum Project. The story focuses on how they are helping transgender people who are seeking asylum.

During the Olympics, U.S. Representative Lauren Boebert tried to raise $196,000 for boxer Angela Carini, to match what Italy would have paid her had she won a gold medal. (In reality, she lost well before the medal round.) The GiveSendGo campaign only raised $67,000, and when the site tried to give that sum to Ms. Carini,, the boxer, through her coach, refused the money. The donors are receiving refunds, according to The Advocate.

A jury in Washington, D.C., awarded a transgender woman $930,000 in compensation for being harrassed. This is believed to be the first jury award for harrassment under the D.C. Human Rights Act. This story comes from Them.

The 2024 Report on the Experiences of Parents of Transgender and Non-Bibary Children is on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation website. Among the findings, the gender identities of almost all children in the sample are supported by their parents, but half of the children are bullied at school. (Mind you, parents who do not support their child’s gender identity are unlikely to participate in a survey like this.)

Justin Vivian Bond, a non-binary cabaret singer, is one of 22 people to receive MacArthur Fellowship, which is more often referred to as a “genius grant.” This story comes from Them.

Natasha Reddington-Romanov, a transgender woman, was found dead in the Thames River. She had been reported missing six days before the body turned up. PinkNews has this story.

According to LGBTQ Nation, J.K. Rowling listed her religion as “believer in biology” on her census form. She is certainly refereencing her well-known views on transgender people, though most biologists believe that gender is far more complex than simple chromosomes.

The European Union’s top court has ruled that member nations must accept a change of gender or of first name when such a change is issued by another member nation. In this case, a transgender man with dual citizenship in Romania and Great Britain had a British name change and gender recognition, but Romania would not accept either as legal. Radio Free Europe has this story.

Transgender candidates for office in Brazil are getting death threats. The Associated Press has this story.

CBS News has a story about a transgender Lutheran pastor in California, who is running a parish which fosters inclusion.

A school district in Pennsylvania has installed surveillance windows in the gender-neutral restrooms in their high school. LGBTQ Nation has this rather creepy story.

LGBTQ Nation has a story about some barbers who offered free gender-affirming haircuts to some of their transgender clients.

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Category: Transgender Community News


About the Author ()

Every week Cecilia Barzyk diligently scans the internet to assemble as much trans-related information from the weekly news as possible.

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