This Week in TG News
Someone is killing transgendered people in the Bay area…Congress reconsiders hate crimes…A transgendered woman gets involved outside Denver…and, don’t you sometimes wish you were still in college? All this and more, in TGForum News:
(All links open in new windows.)
Someone may be preying on San Francisco’s transgender community. KGO reporter Vic Lee has the story.
Two women got married in Miluakee last week. No big deal? It is when one of them is TS. Details from the Journal-Sentinal Online.
Congress is taking up a hate crimes bill. This one differs from previous versions, because it includes gender identity. The Dallas Voice brings us perspective.
Transgendered? A veteran? If you’re in Colorado, make an appointment to see Pamela Bennett. She’s the new member of the Commission on Veteran’s Affairs in Aurora. The Bay Area Reporter has the details.
Remember those wild frat parties in college? They’re still wild, except at one North Carolina school, the frat boys are a little prettier than usual. The Guildfordian picks up the rest of the story.
So, what are you going to do when you grow old? CNN is reporting on a retirement center for the GLBT community in LA.
Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Community News