The Scales of Justice
Commonsense has left the state of Massachusetts. A case in point — Judge Mark Wolf recently awarded over $20,000 taxpayer’s dollars for a transgender murderer to have a “necessary” sexual reassignment surgery. Robert (AKA Michelle) Kosilek did not seem to mind his male genitalia when he was impregnating his wife; they have children. But now his penis is unbearable to him. Robert/Michelle has tried to castrate himself and has attempted suicide twice (normally men are very successful with suicide attempts).
Ladies and gentleman, we are talking about someone who is obviously mentally ill. You do not need an advanced degree, be a rocket scientist or a liberal Supreme Court Justice to figure this one out. Robert/Michelle needs to be locked up forever in a highly protected mental institution for the rest of his/her life. Yes, this dangerous murderer should receive necessary medical attention — plus he gets free dental, three free meals a day, and free shelter. His wife gets nothing.
Where were his wife’s rights? She was not even given the right to live and her ex, transgendered husband who killed her has not only been awarded funds (that by the way no health insurance pays for such sexual reassignment surgeries needed to ‘cure’ gender disorder*) — yet he is being rewarded for his atrocious crime and the citizens of this country are paying for it. That’s logic in today’s unpredictable wild world.
Perhaps, if illiteracy was not as high as it is, Americans would be in an uproar, even the most liberal ones. What happens now, the next desperate male to female transgender, who can’t live with his penis, is going to commit a crime and be rewarded by given a free taxpayers castration, while serving his sentence? I know there would be a lot of volunteers to do it for him, no charge. This reaction is not heartless; it is a normal reaction to an absurd, stupid, illogical ruling by a Judge who needs to be taken off of his high court. Logic, if it were present in this case, would take this immediately to the Supreme Court before the mentally ill, transgender murderer gets his expensive reassignment surgery.
In 2008 US Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts unsuccessfully tried to put a ban on the use of Federal tax dollars to pay for anyone’s transgender related problems. How many good taxpayers know that some of their hard earned money is being used to assist transgenders into becoming transsexuals?** Brown obviously tried to put a stop to taxpayers paying for transgendered criminals to have hormone injections so that they can have breasts while incarcerated. How could Senator Brown’s proposed ban have failed? As citizens, we have the right to know how our money is being spent. And we have the right to change this bizarre illogical situation. Call your senators, congress representatives, write Obama, hold demonstrations and above all-stop paying taxes that reward criminals and murderers.
How much have we paid for male to female transgendered criminals to receive their necessary hormone treatments, in order for them to have breasts? Again remember, no health insurance company, that many Americans pay hefty premiums for, cover costs for women to have breast implants or for anyone to have sexual reassignment surgery. Many transgenders save their own money and some even go to Thailand to have the procedure done because it is cheaper than the US.
This country is in one of the worst challenges of all time. One in four American children are starving, senior citizens eat cat food instead of buying all of their medication, homelessness has never been higher, good tax paying citizens cannot afford to get health insurance, too many citizens have never seen a dentist, unemployment is through the roof, bankruptcy and foreclosure are all too common, women and children are also on the streets in record numbers. Vets who are returning home are not being helped with all of their needs — they risked their lives for this country — yet so many suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and go untreated, mainly due to lack of federal and state funds.
And what has the US Government been paying for? Answer: Hormone therapy and now reassignment surgery for transgendered criminals — even murderers!
The scales of justice are so unbalanced in this case that it actually mocks the thought of justice.
(*Editor’s Note: There are health insurance companies that do provide SRS coverage if certain conditions are met. Aetna is one.)
(** Editor’s Note: One does not “become” transsexual” anymore than one becomes heterosexual. You either are or you aren’t. Transgendered people who choose SRS either were TS from the time they were born or they have chosen to live full time in the opposite gender for other reasons.)
Category: Transgender Opinion