The “IZE” Have It
Good February ladies. We are forever “IZING.” We chase the “IZES” like they are eternal salvation, the products of the gods sent directly from Mount Olympus. Creams, lotions and oils, thick or thin, infused, etc. You get the idea. We moisturIZE arms, legs, face and neck. Morning and night, before applying makeup, after removing makeup, after a warm bath or shower and of course, after exfoliating, shaving waxing — here’s to the god of Moisture.
We search for just the right fragrance. So many choices, so many opportunities to wear fragrances that fit the occasion and the mood of the wearer. Every celebrity has a fragrance in their name, we can spend a small fortune on microscopic quantities of secret scents. The name of the fragrance entices us, attracts us and promises to differentiate us, to help us stand out from the crowd. Each small bottle serving up its contents with a sprayer to atomIZE, saving us from bathing in fragrance when just a spray or two will do — here’s to the god of the Atom.
We seek out the right dress, the one that fits us to a tee, each curve, each dip and sway. The dress must be cut exactly to the right fall of the hem. Legs displayed in all of their beauty and sensuality. The plunge of the neckline allowing cleavage to capture a furtive glance. The sleeve, quarter, half, three-quarter or full, the fashion of the season, will actualIZE the image of the perfect outfit. Hail to the god of Actual!
And how can we actualIZE anything without the help of trinkets; necklaces, bracelets, rings, scarves, glasses, hats, nail polish, sparkles on the eyelashes. Oh honey we love, love, love accessories. So in honor of the god Accessory, we accessorIZE like no other.
Every little nuance in our wardrobe is called upon to make its contribution. That little sweater jacket, black over any color outfit; that multi-color off the shoulder pashmina, the wide belt that is placed at the point of your elbow those rhinestones shimmering, the dangly earrings converted from pierced to clip-ons falling just above the shoulder. These pay homage to the god of Optim. OptimIZE to your heart’s content. Those finishing touches are so important to our individuality.
There is one god that feels self-conscious because of her diminutive size. But it is her size that is so important to everything. We utilize this god to deflect attention yet other times we oppose this god by refusing to deflect. Yes, the God Mimimum is an enigma. We minimIZE those items that we do not want recognized yet we refuse to minimIZE what is so very important to us like our smile, the touch that means so much to our friends and loved ones.
Finally and most important is the fact that we are real, we are genuine and to bear that out we legitimIZE. We legitimIZE by our actions, words and deeds. We are wonderfully real! RealIZE that we are real. Don’t minimIZE our importance, our value to each other.
So I hope you agree that the IZE have it — I Zealously Embrace everything about us, our world and the beauty we create. So go ahead, “IZE” away girls, you deserve it!
Category: Transgender Body & Soul, Transgender Opinion