TGForum User Survey
TGForum has been on the Web since sometime in the ’90s — that’s the last century! In the time we’ve been here we have served up a weekly offering of all things transgender. Over the years, since TGF first started as a subscription only service, the Web has evolved, TG people have evolved and while we weren’t looking the 21st century happened. It’s a whole new world and we’ve been working hard to create a whole new TGForum experience for our readers. And now we need your help.
We are considering several new features for TGForum and we would like to get your opinion first. To that end we have posted a survey for TGF users. It’s totally anonymous so Angela and I would really appreciate it if everyone would take it. With the survey results we will be able to determine what people like most about TGF, what they don’t like, and what they would like to see more of.
Once we have an idea of what you’d like to see at TGForum, we will do everything we can to make those things happen.
You can find the Survey here —> TGF User Survey
Category: All TGForum Posts, TG Forum News