TGF Monday Edition is On The Air!
Not really. It’s on the Internet but when you’re attempting to do an impression of an old time radio announcer introducing a radio program you have to say on the air. On the Internet just doesn’t sound as good. But, that’s where we are as we are every Monday with some scintillating new content to inform and entertain about all matters of a transgender nature.
Before we move on we must pause for a moment and welcome our News Editor Ronnie Rho back from her vacation. Looking good Ronnie. Nice tan. You look rested and ready. Which is great since I’m still recovering from doing the fill in job on TWIT for last Monday. How does she do it? It’s a herculean task and yet each week she assembles a vast compendium of links to stories with TG slants. I’m glad she’s back and I dread later this summer when she will be off for yet another vacation. Hey! I don’t get that much time off and I’m the Managing Editor. Grumble, grumble.
The Week in Transgenderism leads off our offering for today with stories about the fight between the TG widow and her deceased husband’s family: a TS wrestler: a role reversing production of The Importance of Being Ernest: more on TOTwK: the “pregnant man” is expecting again (say what?): the Lutheran Church has welcomed several GLBT pastors: the TG group in Massachusetts thought they had an agreement with the bar that wouldn’t serve them but it seems it ain’t so: Dr. Marci Bowers may be leaving Trinidad: our newest favorite goth, lesbian, TS, standup comic is from England: and there’s a ton more in this edition of The Week In Transgenderism. Don’t miss it!
Pamela DeGroff joins us this Monday with her column about transgender musicians and music that TGs might enjoy. She features an interview with the Californian TG rockers Lipstick Conspiracy and does a review of one of our favorite female singers, Cyndi Lauper, who has a new album out called The Memphis Blues. Cyndi sings the blues. Is this the Girls Just Want To Have Fun lady? It is, and while we haven’t heard the CD Pamela has and she reports that it’s the real deal. Famous blues artists sit in and Ms. Lauper hits all the correct—blue— notes. Check it out in this month’s Perpetual Change.
And last, but never least, we bring you the conclusion of our TG historian Michelle Moore’s series on TS travel writer/author Jan Morris with Climbing Mount Everest — Part IV. Jan Morris actually climbed Everest long ago while she was still being a man but she has had a long and illustrious career since her transition. She faced sexism and discrimination but she persevered and reached the top of her personal Everest. An inspiring story brought to it’s fulfilling conclusion by Michelle Moore. Don’t miss the month’s TG History.
That’s our Monday Edition for this week. Enjoy
Category: TG Forum News