Tag: Schuyler Bailar

The Week In Transgenderism 12/21/15

| Dec 21, 2015 | Reply

Time once more for the ever popular feature, The Week In Transgenderism. It’s all the trans news you would have wasted hours of time searching through the Web for, condensed into one easily digestible page. Today we learn about the first black trans model. A model and pageant contestant gets dumped for being born male. Caitlyn Jenner handles controversy and gets a boost from Barbara Walters. Who were the most gender expressive celebs of 2015? A theory on why trans women get killed so often. A teen comes out as a woman at the prom. Manitoba has Canada’s first trans judge. More research on trans brains. Miss Kitty Litter leaves the stage. A trans man swims for Harvard. A reparative therapy clinic will be closing. There’s all that and so much more we don’t have room to tell you about it. Read your TWIT!

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