Tag: restrooms

Dispatch From The Restroom Wars

| Nov 24, 2015 | Reply

Restrooms and locker rooms. The ban of many a trans woman’s existence. Should she go into the lady’s room to do what is necessary or should she hold it till she can get home. Many trans people plan their public outings around when they will be able to use the facilities or around a single stall restroom they are familiar with. Why the paranoia? Because of the straight world’s fear that trans women represent a threat to cisgender women in women’s “safe spaces.” Angela Gardner has some thoughts on the matter in a Dispatch From The Restroom Wars.

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Where, Oh Where to Tinkle?

| Feb 23, 2015 | Reply

Trans people want their rights — their toilet rights! But the forces of ignorance are aligned against us. While in some places in the world the public restroom is open to both genders (like on “Boston Legal” and in Europe) here we segregate males and females and this causes problems for some people. Some people including trans people. Today Angela shares her thoughts in the Restroom Wars.

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Restroom Wars — Discussions about TG in the WC

| Feb 9, 2015 | Reply

Question: What do members of the TG community in Ottawa, Canada have in common with Florida State Representative Frank Antiles? Answer: They both had discussions about the use of rest rooms by members of the TG community. Their views are quite different. They were having an online chat but it was as if they were […]

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