Tag: EerieAnna Good

The Week In Trans 9/25/17

| Sep 25, 2017 | Reply

Fasten your seat belts and keep your hands inside the cockpit at all times. The Week In Trans is taking off! Today we learn that a trans woman from Texas is running for the U.S. House. Lots of military trans ban news. A cis woman was attacked by people demanding she prove she wasn’t trans. Studies were released that show it’s the victimization that makes trans kids depressed and suicidal. A trans woman was excommunicated from the LDS for holding positions only open to men — then she was baptized again as a woman so she’s back in the church. Tasmania shows remorse for its outdated and now repealed anti-crossdressing law. Trans men are not welcome at a man-free rock festival. There’s all that and a ton more news, plus a few TWIT Awards, waiting for you in TWIT!

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