Tag: clovergender

The Week In Trans 1/16/17

| Jan 16, 2017 | Reply

What’s the best aggregation of trans news in the land? It’s The Week In Trans! Today we learn that Hari Nef has been chosen to star in a L’Oréal Paris ad. Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of Defense says he won’t be in a rush to change LGBT policies. So many bathroom bills! A trans women makes a bid for North Carolina’s DNC leadership role. China has a very large number of drag fans. Drag fans in the USA are becoming predominately young and female. A trans model from Nepal isn’t climbing a mountain, she’s walking the runway in Mumbai. Justin Trudeau vows trans prisoners will be housed in prisons that match their gender. Mimi Imfurst is the first USA queen to perform in Cuba. There’s all that and more plus a boat load of TWIT Awards waiting for you in TWIT.

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