Tag: Bernie Sanders

Why I Support Hillary

| Jun 20, 2016 | Reply

Babs Siperstein is a superdelegate who is pledged to Hillary Rodham Clinton. While Babs admires Bernie Sanders and gets his message of revolution she believes, from seeing it with her own eyes, that Mrs. Clinton and the Democratic Party are the best choice for trans people in November. LGBT rights are hammered into the Party platform and trans women are featured in Mrs. Clinton’s Primary Victory video. Read why Babs supports Mrs. Clinton.

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The Week In Transgenderism 4/4/16

| Apr 4, 2016 | Reply

Right wing opposition to LGBT rights culminated in the passage of House Bill 2 in North Carolina. Rational people around the country are striking back with an all out assault on North Carolina’s prosperity. Business leaders, the federal government and city and state governments around the country are all poised to stop the flow of cash in the state. And there’s a lot of other news in The Week In Transgenderism. March 31 was International Transgender Day of Visibility. A Malaysian trans women wins an award from the U.S. Secretary of State. Two articles feature important trans activists of the present and bygone days. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton both promise trans support. Israel seeks to boost LGBT tourism. All that and more plus a few TWIT Awards is waiting for you in this week’s edition of TWIT!

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