Summer movies

| Jul 3, 2007
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I haven’t seen any of the big summer blockbusters. Other than seeing Johnny Depp in eyeliner, I haven’t cared for the first two Pirates movies. The fact that Peter Parker has a secret second wardrobe doesn’t really grab me this time around either.

And I have to say I’m disappointed with another flick I haven’t seen.

I just read the review, and found out that Transformers isn’t what I thought it was about.

Speaking of movies: Cincinnati is known as the Queen City, and this photo may indicate why:


Or then again, it may not. But I doubt you’ll find another street named after America’s best loved crossdressing director. (Sorry, Lee Tamahori. You blew it.)

  • Yum

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Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Fun & Entertainment


About the Author ()

Ronnie Rho has been writing for Transgender Forum since May of 1999. One of these days, she'll get it right. She's been described as the "world's most famous recluse," but only by people who don't know her very well. She is unmarried, and lives in Cincinnati.

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