Stop Crossdressing…

| Jul 9, 2012
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Can you? Should you? Have you tried? Do you want to stop? Does your wife want you to stop? Have you stopped? What about the sites like Are you cured yet?

Some believe that crossdressing is purely an addiction and can be stopped. Have you been on the sites that encourage you to stop crossdressing? How many of you have tried to stop crossdressing? And how many have been successful in stopping CD? Do your wives want you to stop CD?

Surfing the Net for information about stopping crossdressing, I came upon lots of sites, some are very disturbing and some I found amusing. Religious institutions and some Christian fanatics have their ideologies — you know what they think — “You are all going to hell . . . blah blah blah.”

Then I read how easy it is to stop by just exercising! Sure you will get the same physical reaction from a good work out — to match the ones you get from masturbating while dressed up. Makes perfect sense, right?

Here is my favorite — stop masturbating! Use your sexual energies in different ways and stop crossdressing. Personally, I have never met a man who does not frequently masturbate. Isn’t it normal to masturbate? It is just not normal to talk about how normal masturbation is. That is the American Way: Don’t talk about sex to our children. That is why we are number one (for developed nations) for teenage pregnancies.

The one thing these sites seem to have in common is the ethos that CD is a choice and therefore more of an addiction that can easily be cured. How many CDs are willing to go cold turkey? What happens if a life long crossdresser fears the religious right movement (or his wife/partner) and decides to stop crossdressing? What are the ramifications? Is this really the way to deal with this issue?

What if your wife is buying into the possible misinformation and  mal-information easily found on the World Wide Web about how to stop crossdressing? Won’t she suspect that you have full control and that you are choosing to be a crossdresser and choosing to ruin your marriage? Is it dangerous to promote this type of ideology, which might convince your wife that you are deliberately not taking control of a situation that allegedly you should have control over? I have no answers, only questions about how helpful or harmful are the sites that sends the message — crossdressing is a choice. What are your thoughts?

Dee A Levy

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Category: Transgender Body & Soul, Transgender Opinion


About the Author ()

Dee A. Levy is the former spouse of a crossdresser. She has a BA in Women Studies and MA in Social Sciences and Comparative Education. She is the author of The Cross Dresser's Wife -- Our Secret Lives, available at, Kindle, Barnes and Noble, &

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