RealBreast Product Evaluation: RealBreasts in a bathing suit

| Aug 23, 2010
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By now most of you have noticed the banner ad for the RealBreast breastforms. If you’ve clicked on the banner and gone to the Real Doll Breast page you have, no doubt, noted the price of $750 a pair. I asked myself can they be worth that much money? To answer that question I acquired a pair and took them for a “test drive.”

RealBreast on arrival

RealBreast on arrival

(Click photos for a larger view.)

I ordered Size #3 ( a C cup) which when added over my chest should give me the D cup I normally wear. The RealBreasts arrived in a large box, each breastform in its own container. One of the boxes contained instructions for application and an adhesive kit consisting of Skin Prep, silicone medical adhesive, and an adhesive remover. One thing not included is a brush or applicator for the medical adhesive. Go out to a craft store and get some cheap brushes because they’ll be use once and discard.

The forms are made from a very high quality medical grade silicone rubber. They are unique in that there are several densities used to make the form: the nipple is a bit harder than the rest of the form and feels real; the main body is very soft and also feels like a real breast; and finally the outer edges are very thin translucent silicone that blends into your skin. The inner portion of the form is naturally sticky.

RealBreasts applied to chest
RealBreasts applied to chest

To apply the breastforms you must first shave the chest area and then treat the skin on your chest with the Skin Prep wipes provided. Skin Prep seals the pores in the area and helps the medical adhesive stick to your skin better. The instructions tell you to bend over and apply the form to your chest in that position. I found it easier to stand upright in front of a mirror and press the form onto my chest. If you don’t get it position just right the first time, remove it and reapply. Make sure you get the form positioned up high enough so the nipples are in a natural location.

The fun begins! You need to make sure the edges of the form are not rolled under anywhere. Start applying the adhesive in small patches around the edges. I started at the top. Pull the edge out a bit and press down onto your skin. Continue around the edges until the entire form is glued to your skin. Then repeat with the other form. Work slowly.

When you are finished the forms should look like the photo above. Notice how the form on the left has a slight wrinkle at the bottom? That’s because I didn’t pull the edge out far enough. Otherwise, they look pretty good and the edges are barely noticeable. Now applied, it’s time to see how these forms look in a variety of outfits.

RealBreasts under a sun dress

< — This first outfit is a sun dress with a halter top. From several feet away it looks fine but up close it does not pass inspection. I feel there is too much skin exposure. I’m not sure I’d wear this if I had real D cup breasts.

RealBreasts under a sheer blouse
RealBreasts under a sheer blouse

My next outfit was a sheer blouse. Normally, my bra can be seen under this blouse. This is an example of a situation where the RealBreasts work perfectly. You can see the shape of the breasts under the blouse but you can’t tell they’re not real. –>

My final test was a bathing suit. The suit straps did a better job of hiding the outer edges of the forms and I think they look better. But, again, I don’t think I’d wear these in public like this.

RealBreasts in a bathing suit.
RealBreasts in a bathing suit.

The Final Word — Are they worth $750 a pair?

Well, that depends on what your end goals are. These are fantastic looking breastforms. Absolutely the most realistic I’ve ever seen and handled. They look great standing in front of a mirror. Once attached, they feel like they’re part of your body. They bounce and move almost like real breasts. I found them to be very erotic just looking at them. I can see myself wearing them on very special occasions (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) and with very specific outfits like sheer tops or backless dresses. I can also see wearing them in a regular bra, without adhesive, under normal clothing just because they feel so nice and warm next to your skin. If you want the most realistic looking and feeling breastsforms available, yes, they’re worth $750 a pair.

On the downside, they take a lot of time to apply. Unless you’re going to be wearing them for an extended period it’s probably not worth the time to glue them on. I was also hoping to make decent cleavage, but like most glue on forms, they don’t really lend themselves to making cleavage. I’m going to recommend to the manufacturer that they make a cleavage chest piece just for all those low cut dresses I’ve got hanging in my closet.

  • Yum

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Category: Product Review, Style


About the Author ()

I am a writer, editor and educator. I was one of the 5 founders of the Renaissance Transgender Education Assoc., and have served on the boards of IFGE and AEGIS. I've published several books on CD/TS/TG subjects. My how-to books are available at the CDS Bookstand ( I am most proud of "Coping With Crossdressing: Tools and Strategies for Couples in Committed Relationships". I was an early TG political activist and one of the co-founders of GenderPAC. I wrote and published a Bill of Gender Rights in December 1990. I've appeared on several television shows and in the movie "All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go". I published "LadyLike" magazine for 18 years, as well as "EnFemme" magazine and "International TranScript". (JoAnn passed away in June of 2013.)

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